Backwater Creek is a game about the most boring town, where nothing ever happens. You play as Tucker, an angsty teenager, taking a gap year, working at the local pharmacy until he starts community college the next year. Recently Tucker has found himself a bit stuck in a loop. He's not sure what set it off and since it doesn't make his life anymore bearable, he doesn't care to find out. But don't worry if you die, it's not the end of the world.

Backwater Creek is a multilinear game, focused on storytelling. The text is accompanied by illustrations.  This game contains NSFW themes, though nothing too explicit.


  •  7 endings
  • 1 secret ending  (you'll know when you find it)
  • ~15 - 45 minutes of playtime depending on the route
  • ~60 illustrations  (Pls don't make me check, I don't do math)


Okay, let me level with you. Can you play it on your phone? Technically yes, but it will not be the best way to enjoy the game and it involves a lot of scrolling.


You can play the game online for free. If you want an experience free of loading times and feel like supporting us, consider getting the download file. With the download file you also get access to all the original unglitched illustrations and concept art. Either way we hope you enjoy Backwater Creek and would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.



Art | Writing | Coding


Art | Writing | Coding

Created during the Multilinear Storytelling module at ZHdK (Game Design.)


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i go from "haha tipping cows" to "your friend just fucking died"


bad news i mistook myself as the friend


Died a lot but had fun! Finally managed to escape backwater creek, but still havent gotten the happy ending...I blame the darn fish! 5/5 Stars, would play again :)

Hell yeah keep trying, you'll beat that fish!


Love the game. The writing is just superb and the whole time loop idea bangs. Great job team!!


Thank you Mr. Shid :)


You're welcome! ^^


This game was interesting, I enjoyed what I played so far. I didn’t have the time at the moment for a full Playthrough, but it was still good. Good work. 


Thank you so much for taking the time to play it and share it with others, I will definitely check out your video :)


You're welcome, I'm glad you liked it.


Coolest shit i've seen all day. :)

Hell yeah :D Thank you very much.